- 有回报和需求的职业
- 灵活的日程安排和在线选项
- 最先进的设施

- 晚上和周末课程
- On-campus, online and accelerated programs
- First 硕士 in Artificial Intelligence in the 状态 of CT

- Fully online and accelerated programs available
- Classes offered in Bridgeport and Waterbury
- Prepare for a career as a helping professional

- Maximum flexibility for 你r busy schedule
- Complete 你r coursework when and where 你 need to
- 参与独特的虚拟体验

- Train for success in start-ups, small businesses, and nonprofits
- Master the fundamentals of planning, leadership, and development

- Provide education and support to individuals of all 年龄s
- First tuition-paid internship program in the country
- UB trains more CT teachers than any other school in the 状态

UB Bucket List — 10 Can’t-Miss Spots for Students in Bridgeport, CT
As 你 prepare to emb比赛 the exciting world of college life, don’t forget that 你r university experience extends beyond the classroom. 无论你是一个艺术爱好者, 一个美食家, 热爱大自然的人, or just looking for a tranquil spot to unwind between classes, 你 have to check out these top places #OffCampus.

Getting Through the Growing Pains — How to Make the Most of Your First Year at College
很多毕业生都会告诉你, adapting to college was the first defining experience of their adulthood. 就像许多改变人生的经历一样, beginning 你r higher education journey can result in feelings of self-doubt. Here’s our best advice for adjusting to life as a new college student.

Lessons Beyond the Lecture Hall: Faculty Advice for a Fresh Start to the Semester
Starting 你r journey at a new college can be overwhelming.To help 你 ease 你r mind and prepare for the exciting journey that awaits, we’ve asked some of UB’s faculty to think back to when they were just starting out and share with 你 the advice that they wish they had received along the way.

一个学士学位值得吗? 高等教育的价值
现在是上大学的好时机吗? Why not jump right into a job and start earning a paycheck now? Earning 你r college degree is a significant investment — one that is likely to pay off with higher salary potential in the long run. Let’s review the impact higher education has on society and what that impact could mean for 你 就我个人而言.
正规的网赌平台 is committed to preventing or eliminating all forms of discrimination in its education programs or activities in accordance with its commitment to all federal and 状态 laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in institutes of higher learning. The University provides equal opportunities to all students, or applicants for admission on the basis of; physical or mental disability (including perceived disability), 易感遗传特征, 听力状态, 怀孕, 比赛, 宗教, color, 性, 政治面貌, 收入来源, 营业地点, 住宅, 信条, 种族, 国籍(包括祖籍), 国籍, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 家庭责任, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, 最近退伍的老兵, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, 和武装部队服役奖章老兵), domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, 状态, 或者联邦法律, 民权办公室, the State of Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, 或其他人权机构.